Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Midwifery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Midwifery - Essay Example The NHS Modernization Agency, which was just recently superseded by NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, was established to facilitate the modernization of health services and the improvement of the patients' experiences and outcomes of health care. With the establishment of the Agency was of course the establishment of specific themes, which in turn, were targeted towards NHS' goals (NHS, 2006). The establishment of such themes is expected to make an impact in everything which are affiliated with health care, most specifically the patients and the workers. The midwives, being medical practitioners themselves are affected by these themes both in positive and negative ways (NHS, 2006). One of the themes emphasized in by the NHS Modernisation Agency was that about the Workforce. Based on this theme, the attempt to modernize the Health Care system would entail the effective use of staff, the attraction of staff and the retention and development of staff. Under the effective use of staff, it is important for the Health Care system to meet the changing demands imposed by the erratic nature of the field by achieving a balance between the workers' skills and service demands (NHS, 2006). According to NHS (2006), to achieve the balance, flexibility and skills are necessary in their workforce. These requirements put the status of midwives in both the advantaged and disadvantaged. As the role of midwives is concentrated on child delivery concerns, this puts them in the advantageous position as well as gives them specialization in which aspect of health care, they are supposedly the only ones sought after. If "balance," is more a function of skill than flexibility, then the power to handle delivery becomes exclusive only to physicians, midwives, and no one else's'. However, the opposite is true otherwise. Flexibility entails the knowledge, experience, trust and ability to perform and be responsible to do more than a single duty. It is not enough that a person has the knowledge and ability to perform duties. It is necessary that the person has the experience and has the legal responsibility for possible miscalculations. This is what is lacking in the midwife profession. If only "balance" is a matter of specialization, knowledge and ability, midwives could be having the advantage over other health care professionals. But since "balance" is also a matter of flexibility, then other health care professionals, specifically, the nurses are gaining the upper hand. Nurses, as it is known, can do assessment, prescription, as well as handling of child delivery, all within the scope of their licenses. Midwives cannot prescribe. They could only handle child delivery, the women's and children's health after birth. In other words, nurses can always act as midwives while midwives cannot act as nurses. The Workforce theme of the NHS modernization promotes independence, competition and thus, improved service given by the health care workers. This is a result of the development of appraisal and performance structure in hospitals based on standards. The results of such appraisals could then be used as basis for matching competencies with specific roles within the framework of the institution. This brings back the subject on specialization. The matching of competencies would be useless without any

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pre and Post M&a Performance in Accounting Ratio Essay Example for Free

Pre and Post Ma Performance in Accounting Ratio Essay There are loads of tools to measure the performance of a financial performance of an entity but financial ratios is probably the best known tool which is mainly to analyze the performance of an entity by comparing the present to the past relative figures taken or composed from the financial statement . The few categories of ratios are liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, efficiency ratios, debt ratios and market ratios which will be able to describe the entity’s characteristics. Ratios show the true performance and position of the entity. In order for investors to determine their choices of entity to invest in, financial ratios play an important role in providing sufficient information to users about the entity’s characteristic. We predict that companies are performing better after merger and acquisition and there will be an increase in profit of companies pre merger and acquisition compare to post merger and acquisition activities. However, the global merger and acquisition (MA) market is expected to experience a modest increase this year following significant revisions in earnings expectation for 2009. Studies relatively prove that ratios are important but which ratios, among the loads of ratios which can be computed easily from the available financial statement, should be used to analyze to obtain a wise decision (Kung Thomas, 1981); (Maretno Howard, 1996). Problem statement Accounting ratios usage in merger acquisition are not understood very well as to whether companies or investors are using accounting ratios to analyze performance pre and post decision making for MA. Therefore, this study will try to find out as to whether merger and acquisition activities are caused by the use of accounting ratio when management tries to expand a company’s operation. Accounting ratios is wide in variety and is known for its diversities in calculating different ratios, which makes selecting the right ratio to do analysis on is difficult. Every company when making merger and acquisition decisions will have to go through different decision making process in their organization and not based solely on accounting ratios when taking actions. Things such as relationship of merging companies, financing matter or management efficiency are often overlooked in previous studies, therefore, apart from addressing the use of accounting ratio in making merger and acquisition , we will also address on other matters that are affecting merger and acquisition decision making. Companies that have made merger and acquisition in the few years will be analyzed whether merger and acquisition has benefitted the company. This analysis will have to be based on companies that have made merger and acquisition for few years so that analysis could be made to ascertain whether merger and acquisition has improved the company’s performance. The data that is collected could be redundant as the data collected could only be analyzed from the past. Apart from that, companies that are engaged in merger and acquisition will tend to keep their methods in acquiring companies as a secret; therefore, there is no information that will be disclosed to us when we are doing research. We will only be able to get information based on announcement on the Bursa Saham Malaysia and also annual report analysis on the companies that we will base our study on. Based solely on the annual report, we will have to analyze companies that have been engaged in merger and acquisition is perfor ming better as a company before merger and acquisition or after merger and acquisition. Studies that have addressed the problem Several past studies have shown several findings. There were significant improvements in the liquidity, leverage and profitability position of most studied companies. Normally, total assets consist of equity, debt and retained earnings to finance the corporation. In the study, it was found that total assets were always less than the debt plus equity for pre acquisition period, but after acquisition, it is positive. All the units selected for the study were sick, but after takeover five out of eight revived (Rao Sanker, 1997). The acquiring firms had performed above the industry average and the acquired firms were below the industry average in term of size and profitability (Cosh et al., 1998). The firms recorded meaningful increase in their net earnings, and those with the successful merger of the firms, the return on capital employed and return on total assets, increased substantially with a significant percentage. The variability in the earnings (risk) of the pre-merger firms was significantly higher than that of post-merger firms (Agundu Karibo, 1999). Pilloff (1996) finds no significant change in post merger ROE, however, when he utilizes operating income before provision instead of net income to calculate ROE, there is a significant increase in post-merger returns. Deficiencies in studies Unfortunately, most studies do not distinguish between healthy and troubled companies due to the relative scarcity of outright failures as an indicator of the latter. Data are not readily available to every person and critical data is only available to top level management, which causes analysis on company performance not accurate. Accounting ratios usage in studies are not standardized for number of ratios used and types of ratios used, making comparisons of this study to previous studies almost impossible. Some of the studies only find out accounting ratio performance before and after merger and acquisition, but they did not take into account the management performance improvement. Importance of the study Basically, the compelling reason for merger and acquisition is to make more money. This study analyses the pre and post performance in accounting ratio of various entities in Malaysia which involved in merger and acquisition. Therefore, it seeks to contribute to entities which look forward to expand their businesses by merging and acquiring entities in order to broaden their sources and to increase their performance as well as position of the entity. This study also justifies the importance of financial ratios as a tool in decision making for most users to merge and acquire entities. Besides that, this study further proves that financial ratios could be used to speculate and estimate the future of the entity’s development and growth by developing ratio values to be compared with the normal or regular value. Furthermore, the global merger and acquisition market is expected to experience a modest increase this year following significant revisions in earnings expectation for 2009. According to KPMG International’s Global merger and acquisition Predictor, modest increases are expected in both deal-making appetite and capacity globally. Therefore, it is hoped that the result of this study is valuable to entities for the purpose of merging and acquiring. Purpose statement The purpose of this study is to determine whether financial ratios contribute to the decision in merging and acquiring another entity. For this purpose, we analyze the performance of the entity before and after merging or acquisition of the holding or parent entity across industries to identify the status of the performance and position of the entity currently. We would have to identify the entity’s characteristics in terms of their operating and accounting performance by comparing to their values before the merger and acquisition. In our analysis, we also focus on the use financial ratios as a mechanism to compare the pre and post-acquisition performance. Furthermore, we also use financial ratio to predict the performance of the acquired entity as well as the growth of the entity. Organization of the study The rest of the research is organized into chapters as follows. Chapter 2 review about the literature regarding the accounting ratio performance before and after merger and acquisition would be provided. The topic and the arguments from researchers will be discussed. Justification of the research objectives would be provided with all the relevant literatures. Chapter 3 describes and provides detailed explanation on the method used in collecting the relevant data, the desired sample design, appropriate methodology employed in this study and also the data analysis method. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction In this chapter, further discussion on the topic will be done based on prior empirical studies and a derivation of hypothesis will be done. To be able to evaluate the post and pre merger and acquisition deal by companies in Malaysia, a concept is to be conceived with prior literature that is related to the performance of firms that has been acquiring other firms. 2.1 Theory/Concept Foundation Shareholders of a corporation that is involved in Merger Acquisition activity would like to see their value of stock in the acquiring corporation to rise post-MA compared to pre-MA. Therefore, it is important that an MA transaction done with the shareholders in mind, this theory of maximizing shareholder value is fairly new as it is introduced by William Lazonick and Mary O’Sullivan in year 2000. Shareholder value should be used regularly when decisions are made to be able to regulate how a company operates for the sake of the shareholders. For a shareholder to have his value increased, all the activities from the factory workers to top level management should work together to find the best way to increase the value of the company. To increase shareholder value, restructuring of companies are needed to be able to sustain the changing economic climate according to time development. Evaluation of companies performance will be done to ensure shareholders value do increase post-M A. From the theory we could derive that performance of a company depends on the value that they would like to preserve for their shareholders. For every shareholder that would like to expand the company operation and size, they will have to be able to provide funds for the company in the form of investment. Apart from that, trend evolution plays a part in a merging or acquisition decision. An acquirer may look at the performance of the company that they are trying to takeover. The acquirers look at the financial feasibility of acquiring the company on the share price and value for money. If a value is low, they will be able to takeover the company at a lower price. And it is known that MA deals are done so that a company could expand into a new market segment or improve their current segment. Apart from that, it should be noted that there are several types of mergers and acquisition. It should be noted that firms that are acquiring are larger if not significantly larger than the acquired firms. 2.2 Review of Prior Empirical Studies Life cycle of a firm will accelerate the need for MA deals as firms grew older, they could be expanding their size and because of this, and MA will be done to be able to involve themselves into different segments of businesses. According to (Sian Owen Alfred Yawson, 2008), they propose that in certain life cycle of a company, they will engage in some kind of MA activities. This is because there is a need to grow their company or to decrease the involvement of the owner by giving up the power of the company to another firm. Therefore, it should be noted that companies will go through MA at different life cycle to develop their performance even further or simply to pull out of the company ownership. The data that they use to examine this is based in the US, therefore, it may be not practical to be used here, but this is an opportunity for us to examine the life cycle factor in the pre and post MA performance figure. The main objective for merger and acquisition activities is to increase the return of the equity shareholders who are considered real owners of the company. Shareholders are also takes the responsibilities to bear maximum risk of the company. Different impact (positive, negative and mix) either success or failure will occur for different MA deals. Since we cannot make any conclusion based on only one ratio. So, different ratio are using in this article to measure the company performance in term of liquidity position, operating efficiency, overall efficiency, return to equity shareholders and financial composition. By looking at single ratio, it is hard for researcher to determine whether acquirer company success or failure to make MA deals? Because a high rate of return showed on acquiree company such as consulting firms doesn’t means they make a good investments, since they require no assets. There are more than half of the 74 merger and acquisition cases showed an improvement in the financial performance in post time period of this article. However, 15% out of these cases had increase their working capital and debt to equity, which means that the company suffer long term financial burden of current assets and long terms funds which use to finance current assets. Small sample size was used by this researcher. Although there are 200 deals of MA in India but only 74 companies can provide the available financial data which require by researcher. So, there was reliable issue of this research outcome. Except ratio, there are many issues must be takes into consideration by making MA decision such as by predicting future prospects, company past performance, law and regulations of the country which can help to reach a better conclusion. So researcher can’t make exact and absolute conclusion by only interpret financial ratio of company (Kumar and Bansal, 2008). Those are significant difference between merger and acquisition. Misleading conclusions may be made by those researchers who combined these two different terms. Acquisitions is a more successful way to bring positive effects to the company compared with mergers in term of generate greater profitability, return on investment or equity, increased in operating performance, etc. This might due to the way the merger or acquire. Acquirer may acquire a small division, patent or the company which use for the purpose of strategic alliances and value added to current business. In contrary, merges activities become less attractive to the potential shareholder due to reduce return or shareholder wealth or even negative return and decrease in profitability or even suffer losses of the company (Hassan, Patro, Tuckman Wang, 2007). The theoretical models of liquidity stresses the degree of trading stock, adverse selection, stock volatility, and competitiveness of market making (Lipson Mortal, 2007). According to the prior review, the degree of trading interest in a stock has a positive relationship with the level of trading activity. Therefore, the fixed trading costs can be spread out over a larger number of trades. The adverse selection cost incurs when negative action is taken to counter an adverse situation of trades. For example, if stock traders have relatively more information compare to the liquidity providers, liquidity providers will recover their losses from trading with better informed counterparts by increasing their average revenue. Stock volatility affects the trading cost positively as well. When stocks are more volatile, the holding cost of the stock would be relatively higher and the cost would be passed on to buyers when being traded. The competitiveness of market making affects the trading cost negatively. When the market makers are less competitive, the increase in competition will reduce the trading cost. Besides that, the firm’s characteristics also affect the accounting ratio after MA. Prior studies noted that MA increases the liquidity of firms on average but the improvements are fully explained by the accompanying changes in firm characteristics (Lipson Mortal, 2007). Firm characteristics such as sizes of the firm, volume and number of shareholders are taken into consideration in prior studies. Relatively larger firms will have greater trading interest since more positions are offered in the firm. Benston and Hangerman (1974) also acknowledge the effect of firm size and volume to MA. Therefore, the sizes of the firm are expected to affect the decision MA of a firm. The increase in adverse selection can be seen in Heflin and Shaw (2000) where they argue that the effect of a blockholder ownership is a result of superior blockholder information. The results are consistent with the results in Lipson and Mortal (2007). Past studies document that larger firms tend to be followed by a greater number of market makers (Wahal, 1997), which he attributes to increased compe tition among market makers. Also derived in Lipson and Mortal (2007), the increased in market making reduces order processing cost, hence reducing trading cost. According to (Arturo Bris, Neil Brisley, Christos Cabolis 2008), MA is done following the corporate governance decision as legal rules or accounting standard. The countries difference in degree of investor protection as well as firm value, ownership structure. When we are merger and acquisition usually adopts the accounting standards. This implies that, the corporate in a country can adopt difference level of investor protect. If corporate governance have set the legal rules then the corporate follow it. Therefore, the corporate investments losses or change operation performance. The legal rule can protect shareholder and investors so that they will not have legal liabilities. The corporate governance quality is follow shareholder protection and accounting standard when we are merger and acquisition can test corporate worsening and preserving acquisitions. If we are test pre merger and acquisition performance not efficiency then corporate governance quality also will not good. The corporation will easy give large corporate takeover or the corporation will bankrupt. However, the corporation operation quality good will not let large corporate takeover the firm. The corporate governance quality well can enhance merger and acquisition value and good performance. According to Holger Breinlich (2008), merger and acquisition become industrial restructuring after trade liberalization. It is can increase merger and acquisition activities and merger and acquisition transferred resource from less to more productive firms. It is because pre corporation not efficiency performance source make it loss. Therefore, after merger and acquisition the corporate efficiency performance source make it earning profit and improvement the corporate. Merger and acquisition not just to transfer source, it is also can qualitatively difference from other adjust form. Before merger and acquisition is not well make the workers becoming unemployed and also will make economic recession. When new ownership takeover the corporate then worker has working already and economic also will slowly become good. However, the larger corporate takeovers corporate better the corporate bankrupt and as such no need face unnecessary legal restriction. From the past studies, Letho and Lehtoranta (2004) study that MA synergies can be realized by owing unique technology and knowledge and then transferring these intangibles to the target firm. The industrial organization (IO) literature states that both horizaontal and industry-diversifying acquisitions might affect RD. When firms are active in the line of business, economies of scale in RD input can be occurred because of MAs. Besides, value can created also by MAs from uniting complementary know-how (Cassiman B, Colombo M, Garrone P, Veugelers R, 2003). Similarly, intangibles could matter in domestic as well as cross-border takeover (Kang and Johansson, 2000). The ratio of intangible assets (goodwill paid in earlier MAs has to be minus first) to total assets is used to examine these ideas. The financial synergies are realized by looking at the capital structure of potential acquirers. The idea is that when firms relying heavily on bank loans, it is risky to the firm and also acquirers will have less interest on the firm. Therefore, firms that relying heavily on bank loans will quickly seek to reduce their overall risk and recognize a lower cost of capital by engaging in industry-diversifying and in cross-border MAs. Indeed, cost of capital can be reduced when cash flows from target and bidders are not highly correlated. Besides, additional borrowing capacity post-MA can be created and this is a good performance for a firm after MA. If stock prices of a firm are down, the takeover of a firm can constitute a bargain relative to investing in new facilities in order to recover from scratch. Furthermore, the valuation of private targets is lower once stock market sentiment is down, through the use of a lower multiples or higher risk premium when valuing target stock. This under-valuation hypothesis suggests that stock prices and MA decisions are negatively related. In contrast, soaring stock prices can facilitate the financing of MAs in which they using bidder stock to pay for these deals. When firms consider that their stock to be over-valued, they tend to issue new shares (Shleifer and Vishny, 2003). There will be positive relationship between stock prices and external growth. However, the positive relationship may be difficult to observe when a sample is dominated by private enterprises. This is also because of those non-listed bidder stock is unwilling to be accepted by target investors. The average market-wide price earnings (P/E) ratio at the MA announcement date is used to capture stock market conditions, given that private firms dominate the sample. 2.3 Hypothesis Development The first hypothesis comes from our own assumption to examine how does a company perform post-MA compared to pre-MA. The assumption is that a company could perform better in the form of ratios because their capital has increased due to increase in non current assets. If a company obtains another company through MA, it is expected that they have certain amount of capital available to expand their firm size; therefore, there will be increase in capital in the form of ROE and ROA ratios once a firm is engaged in MA activities. H º =After MA, there will be increase in ratios of ROE and ROA H ¹=Before MA, asset ROA and ROE are higher From previous study of (Moeller, Schlingemann Stulz, 2004), it is known that they examined for the below hypothesis in their research. And this hypothesis will be tested in Malaysia context so that we will be able to measure the level of performance compared to the size of the firm. H º=Small firm perform better after MA H ¹=Acquirer’s firm perform worse after MA 2.4 Model/Framework Negative relationship Positive Relationship As proposed, the relationship between pre-MA is a negative relationship to the ratio. And it should be lower than post-MA ratio as after MA activities, the ratio should increase and higher. Positive relationship Negative relationship As proposed, the larger firm will adapt less well after MA compared to smaller firm. Chapter 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design The research will be carried out as an explanatory study. This study method is used for our research because this study will explain how MA affects performance of a company. The design will be carried out by using pair sample T-Test testing the relationship of the variables of performance of the company and the pre and post MA activities. The research will be carried out to test whether an MA activity does increase the performance of a company or it does not accelerate the activity of the company. Archival research will be used thoroughly to understand the improvement or deterioration in the firms post-MA compared to pre-MA. 3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling Procedure For our research for MA companies in Malaysia, a census will be conducted as it is expected that there are only several hundreds of companies that have conducted MA locally. The census data will be collected by using the Bursa Malaysia website via manual search and the usage of Osiris database. Therefore, the data will be collected through these 2 ways. 3.3 Data Collection Method As it is said, the data to be used will be secondary data. Documentary secondary data will be collected and used throughout this research. The data will be consisted of written materials which are companies’ annual reports. The annual report will be compiled based on the activities that are involved by the respective companies with a view that MA deals are conducted by the company within the years of investigation which range from year 2001 to 2005. References Rao, K.V., Sanker, K.R. (1997). Takeover as a Strategy of Turnaround. UTI edited book. Cosh, A., Hughes, A., Lee, K., Singh, A. (1998). â€Å"Takeovers, institutional investment and the persistence of profits†, in Begg, I. and Henry, S.G.B. (Eds), Applied Economics and Public Policy, Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Agundu, P.C., Karibo, N.O. (1999). â€Å"Risk analysis in corporate mergers decisions in developing economies†. Journal of Financial Management and Analysis, 12(2), 13-17. Moeller, S.B., Schlingemann, F.P., Stulz, R.M. (2004). â€Å"Firm size and the gains from acquisitions†. Journal of Financial Economics, 73, 201-28. Pilloff, S.J. (1996). Performance changes and stockholder wealth creation associated with mergers of publicly traded banking institutions. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 28, 294-310. Bris, A., Brisley, N., Cabolis, C. (2008). Adopting better corporate governance: Evidence from cross-border mergers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 14, 224-240. Breinlich, H. (2008). Trade liberalization and industrial restructuring through mergers and acquisitions. Journal of International Economics, 76, 254–266. Kumar, S., Bansal, L.K.(2008). The impact of mergers and acquisitions on corporate performance in India. Management Decision, 46 (10), 1531-1543. Hassan, M., Patro, D.K., Tuckman, H., Wang, X.L. (2007). Do mergers and acquisitions create shareholder wealth in the pharmaceutical industry? International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 1 (1), 58-78.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

durkheim division of laber Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emile Durkheim main concern was social order, and how individual integrated to maintain it. The Division of Labor was one of Durkheim’s first major works. Society is a system of inter-related and inter-connected of not only individuals but also subgroups interacting with one another. Durkheim is interested on how this division of labor changes the way that individuals feel when they are part of society as a whole. As society advances it becomes more complex, and as it becomes more complex, it gets harder to maintain with the rise of conflict. According to Durkheim, this is why society has its division of labor, and in order to survive, society is broken down to certain specializations where people are more dependent on each other. Durkheim believed that the division of labor begins when the social, economic and political boundaries dividing segments begin to break down and smaller segments come together. Within these segments, Durkheim describes another deg ree of integration which is broken down into two aspects; Mechanical Solidarity and Organic Solidarity. Within in these social solidarities, he identifies a system of social relations linking individuals to each other and to the society as a whole.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Societies where solidarity is mechanical, are referred to a bonding of individuals based on common beliefs and values, which more tied by a kinship aspect. â€Å"Mechanical Solidarity is based upon a strong collective conscience regulating the thought and actions of individuals located with structural units that are all alike† (Turner). Individuals are bind together where they share a similar customs and morality. As a result of this type of social link, it is difficult to distinguish the individual’s values versus society’s value. Because people live in a community where each individual must work together to provide a well-being for another, they become far too dependent on each other. This type of livelihood suppresses the individual conscience and in fact encourages the collective conscience. By having such a homogenous population, a system of belief is uniformly shared throughout, constructing a standardized attitude and actions amongst th e people often rooted in religious laws. Social bonds are of responsibility rather than contract, therefore the division of labor is divided into tasks for collective... ... to abide by. According to Durkheim, morality consists of three elements: rules, attachments to groups, and voluntary constraint. Morality is essentially a system of rules for guiding the actions of people. In addition to these guidelines, moral rules attach people into groups. Man does not associate with society as a whole; he on the other hand, has a closer relationship with several smaller groups: for example families, churches, and further more political associations. Morality provides self-control and a commitment to collectiveness. With the presence of moral rules, anomie, safe to say can be eliminated, and social control is strengthened. Another way that morality contributes to social control is voluntary constraint. The people are more disciplined. However, this is does not always apply to any society. In a simpler or mechanical society, where collective conscience is high, â€Å"morality seems to operate automatically.† The natural growth of complexity seems to th e deteriorate morality, where it must be implemented in order to maintain social control. Through moral education and strengthening values within associations, and as society advance, social control will be preserved.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Dominican Republic Stock Exchange :: Spanish Essays

The Dominican Republic Stock Exchange La Bolsa de Valores: Conceptos En nuestro idioma y en nuestros medios, existen palabras que son sencillamente eso, la expresià ³n de una idea precisa, y existen otros tipos de palabras que nos hacen pensar en una implicacià ³n mà ¡s allà ¡ de lo que realmente expresa esa palabra. Asà ­ en el mundo actual cuando decimos invertir en algo pensamos en un resultado final, que es el lucro, o para ponerlo mà ¡s claro sacar el mayor rendimiento de nuestro dinero a travà ©s de esa inversià ³n. Ahora bien, si se nos ocurre decir vamos a especular con tal o cual cosa inmediatamente hay una connotacià ³n que implica que vamos a tomar un riesgo, y en la mayorà ­a de los casos se toma esta palabra con un sentido totalmente negativo. Si buscamos estas palabras en un diccionario encontraremos que tienen algo de similitud. La definicià ³n de Invertir es: comerciar, traficar, procurar provecho o ganancia. Especular se define como: operacià ³n comercial que se practica con mercaderà ­as, valores, o efectos pà ºblicos con la idea de obtener lucro. El inversionista que acude a la Bolsa de Valores, se puede catalogar como un especulador, la gran diferencia es que es un especulador racional, porque tiene el poder de estudiar y decidir cuà ¡l serà ­a su mejor inversià ³n y para eso hay muchas opciones. En la Bolsa de Valores las inversiones se hacen a travà ©s de muchos tipos diferentes de instrumentos, que el ingenio, y la inteligencia del hombro ha ideado, y los cuales dependiendo de las culturas de los diferentes paà ­ses en donde operan las Bolsas de Valores, se adecuan a las leyes y normas regulativas de cada nacià ³n. Asà ­ se puede encontrar instrumentos de alto riesgo, mediano riesgo y bajo riesgo. El especulador racional que invierte en la Bolsa tiene la oportunidad de analizar estos riesgos y decidir quà © tipo de inversià ³n desea realizar.  ¿Quà © es una Bolsa de Valores? La forma mà ¡s simple posible en que se puede definir la Bolsa de Valores es la siguiente: lugar donde se reà ºnen ofertantes y demandantes de los tà ­tulos de valores para poner en venta y/o comprar tà ­tulos de valores. Los tà ­tulos de valores son las acciones que representan el capital de una empresa; las obligaciones que representan instrumentos de deuda a largo plazo de una empresa; y cualquier otro tipo de instrumento o tà ­tulos que se emiten para ser comercializados en la Bolsa de Valores. En nuestro paà ­s la Bolsa de Valores de Santo Domingo Inc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Teenage Suicide

Teenage suicide is a major issue in todays society; suicide is the intentional taking of one's own life and is a momentous issue that should be addressed as quickly as possible. Teen suicide has been the topic of numerous news headlines; yet, It still continues to have a detrimental effect on todays youth.. There have also been numerous misconceptions about the leading cause of teenage suicide. Although there are a number of things that can cause someone to commit suicide, there is one main reason that has been proven to be the principal cause: mental illness.Some other the leading causes of suicide among teenagers include bullying, depression or anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual and physical abuse. At some point in most teens' lives, they will experience periods of sadness, worry and/or despair. While it is completely normal for a healthy person to have these types of responses to pain resulting trom loss. dismissal, or disillusionment, those with serious (otten undiagnose d) mental illnesses often experience much more drastic reactions.Many imes these severe reactions will leave the teen in despair, and they may feel that there Is no end In sight to their suffering. It is at this point that the teen may lose hope, and with the absence of hope comes more depression and the feeling that sulclde Is the only solution. It Isnt. Bullying is Indubitably becoming one of the leading causes of teenage suicide: In todays society, it isnt unheard of to hear news stories explaining how another teenager has committed suicide as a result of bullying.Bullying has been a major ontroversy In schools for countless years, and I believe that It will continue to be an issue for many years to come unless we do something about it. I do believe that people are beginning to take bullying more seriously than they have in past years: however, there is still a lot more that can be done In order to decrease the amount of bullying that takes place. Teens with bipolar disorder are more likely to commit suicide due to the fact that although they might teel tine a majority ot the time, there may also be times when they feel extremely depressed.Depression Is highly treatable, but the problem with a lot of teens is that they do not realize that they are depressed: therefore, they don't get the proper treatment needed to overcome depression. They dont realize that there are other solutions opposed to suicide, and they don't realize that the decision to commit sulclde as a result ot a short-term problem will have a long-term ettect that can never be reversed. When depression is properly treated, a persons thoughts on suicide become more coherent, and it is less likely for them to attempt suicide.Teen girls are statistically twice as likely as their male counterparts to attempt suicide. They tend to turn to drugs (overdosing) or to cut themselves, while boys are traditionally more successful In their sulclde attempts because they utilize more lethal methods such as guns and hanging. This method preference makes boys almost four times more successful in committing suicide. All In all, altnougn tnere are many tnlngs tnat can cause a person to commit sulc10e, mental illness is currently the primary reason.Suicide is preventable; anti- epressant drugs have proved to be highly effective in helping to thwart teens from committing suicide. The reason as to why so many teens think it is alright to bully and tease others is due to the fact that the repercussions are not stringent enough; therefore, bullying continues to happen. As IVe stated before, a majority of people planning to commit suicide give some type of warning signs that indicate that they might be planning to commit suicide. Through research, I have found that a lot, not all, of suicides that have occurred could have been prevented.While some teens uffer from depression and/or anxiety, others are victims of bullying or abuse. People need to realize that every single one of our actions will have a reaction, whether it is good or bad. When we bully and mistreat others, we hardly ever think about what they are feeling. If people were to be more selfless and considerate of other's feelings, then I am sure that the there will be fewer teens committing suicide. Also, when someone gives up hope on living, it is up to the people around them, such as friends and family, to give them the support that they need to carry on. Teenage Suicide Teenage suicide is a major issue in todays society; suicide is the intentional taking of one's own life and is a momentous issue that should be addressed as quickly as possible. Teen suicide has been the topic of numerous news headlines; yet, It still continues to have a detrimental effect on todays youth.. There have also been numerous misconceptions about the leading cause of teenage suicide. Although there are a number of things that can cause someone to commit suicide, there is one main reason that has been proven to be the principal cause: mental illness.Some other the leading causes of suicide among teenagers include bullying, depression or anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual and physical abuse. At some point in most teens' lives, they will experience periods of sadness, worry and/or despair. While it is completely normal for a healthy person to have these types of responses to pain resulting trom loss. dismissal, or disillusionment, those with serious (otten undiagnose d) mental illnesses often experience much more drastic reactions.Many imes these severe reactions will leave the teen in despair, and they may feel that there Is no end In sight to their suffering. It is at this point that the teen may lose hope, and with the absence of hope comes more depression and the feeling that sulclde Is the only solution. It Isnt. Bullying is Indubitably becoming one of the leading causes of teenage suicide: In todays society, it isnt unheard of to hear news stories explaining how another teenager has committed suicide as a result of bullying.Bullying has been a major ontroversy In schools for countless years, and I believe that It will continue to be an issue for many years to come unless we do something about it. I do believe that people are beginning to take bullying more seriously than they have in past years: however, there is still a lot more that can be done In order to decrease the amount of bullying that takes place. Teens with bipolar disorder are more likely to commit suicide due to the fact that although they might teel tine a majority ot the time, there may also be times when they feel extremely depressed.Depression Is highly treatable, but the problem with a lot of teens is that they do not realize that they are depressed: therefore, they don't get the proper treatment needed to overcome depression. They dont realize that there are other solutions opposed to suicide, and they don't realize that the decision to commit sulclde as a result ot a short-term problem will have a long-term ettect that can never be reversed. When depression is properly treated, a persons thoughts on suicide become more coherent, and it is less likely for them to attempt suicide.Teen girls are statistically twice as likely as their male counterparts to attempt suicide. They tend to turn to drugs (overdosing) or to cut themselves, while boys are traditionally more successful In their sulclde attempts because they utilize more lethal methods such as guns and hanging. This method preference makes boys almost four times more successful in committing suicide. All In all, altnougn tnere are many tnlngs tnat can cause a person to commit sulc10e, mental illness is currently the primary reason.Suicide is preventable; anti- epressant drugs have proved to be highly effective in helping to thwart teens from committing suicide. The reason as to why so many teens think it is alright to bully and tease others is due to the fact that the repercussions are not stringent enough; therefore, bullying continues to happen. As IVe stated before, a majority of people planning to commit suicide give some type of warning signs that indicate that they might be planning to commit suicide. Through research, I have found that a lot, not all, of suicides that have occurred could have been prevented.While some teens uffer from depression and/or anxiety, others are victims of bullying or abuse. People need to realize that every single one of our actions will have a reaction, whether it is good or bad. When we bully and mistreat others, we hardly ever think about what they are feeling. If people were to be more selfless and considerate of other's feelings, then I am sure that the there will be fewer teens committing suicide. Also, when someone gives up hope on living, it is up to the people around them, such as friends and family, to give them the support that they need to carry on. Teenage Suicide Teenage suicide is a major issue in todays society; suicide is the intentional taking of one's own life and is a momentous issue that should be addressed as quickly as possible. Teen suicide has been the topic of numerous news headlines; yet, It still continues to have a detrimental effect on todays youth.. There have also been numerous misconceptions about the leading cause of teenage suicide. Although there are a number of things that can cause someone to commit suicide, there is one main reason that has been proven to be the principal cause: mental illness.Some other the leading causes of suicide among teenagers include bullying, depression or anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual and physical abuse. At some point in most teens' lives, they will experience periods of sadness, worry and/or despair. While it is completely normal for a healthy person to have these types of responses to pain resulting trom loss. dismissal, or disillusionment, those with serious (otten undiagnose d) mental illnesses often experience much more drastic reactions.Many imes these severe reactions will leave the teen in despair, and they may feel that there Is no end In sight to their suffering. It is at this point that the teen may lose hope, and with the absence of hope comes more depression and the feeling that sulclde Is the only solution. It Isnt. Bullying is Indubitably becoming one of the leading causes of teenage suicide: In todays society, it isnt unheard of to hear news stories explaining how another teenager has committed suicide as a result of bullying.Bullying has been a major ontroversy In schools for countless years, and I believe that It will continue to be an issue for many years to come unless we do something about it. I do believe that people are beginning to take bullying more seriously than they have in past years: however, there is still a lot more that can be done In order to decrease the amount of bullying that takes place. Teens with bipolar disorder are more likely to commit suicide due to the fact that although they might teel tine a majority ot the time, there may also be times when they feel extremely depressed.Depression Is highly treatable, but the problem with a lot of teens is that they do not realize that they are depressed: therefore, they don't get the proper treatment needed to overcome depression. They dont realize that there are other solutions opposed to suicide, and they don't realize that the decision to commit sulclde as a result ot a short-term problem will have a long-term ettect that can never be reversed. When depression is properly treated, a persons thoughts on suicide become more coherent, and it is less likely for them to attempt suicide.Teen girls are statistically twice as likely as their male counterparts to attempt suicide. They tend to turn to drugs (overdosing) or to cut themselves, while boys are traditionally more successful In their sulclde attempts because they utilize more lethal methods such as guns and hanging. This method preference makes boys almost four times more successful in committing suicide. All In all, altnougn tnere are many tnlngs tnat can cause a person to commit sulc10e, mental illness is currently the primary reason.Suicide is preventable; anti- epressant drugs have proved to be highly effective in helping to thwart teens from committing suicide. The reason as to why so many teens think it is alright to bully and tease others is due to the fact that the repercussions are not stringent enough; therefore, bullying continues to happen. As IVe stated before, a majority of people planning to commit suicide give some type of warning signs that indicate that they might be planning to commit suicide. Through research, I have found that a lot, not all, of suicides that have occurred could have been prevented.While some teens uffer from depression and/or anxiety, others are victims of bullying or abuse. People need to realize that every single one of our actions will have a reaction, whether it is good or bad. When we bully and mistreat others, we hardly ever think about what they are feeling. If people were to be more selfless and considerate of other's feelings, then I am sure that the there will be fewer teens committing suicide. Also, when someone gives up hope on living, it is up to the people around them, such as friends and family, to give them the support that they need to carry on.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The cost of the death penalty essays

The cost of the death penalty essays The Costs of the Death Penalty in the United States Capital punishment has existed in the US since colonial times. Since then, more than 13,000 people have been legally executed. Today, there are only twelve states which do not have the death penalty: Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin, as well as Washington D.C. The locations of these states are important because they illustrate the lack of ideological homogeneity usually associated with geographical regions of the US. The methods of execution are as varied as their locations. The word capital in capital punishment refers to a persons head, as, historically, execution was performed by cutting off the head. Today, there are generally five methods of execution used in the US. Hanging, the gas chamber, lethal injection, the electric chair and the firing squad are all used, some notably less than others. In 1930, the Bureau of Justice Statistics began keeping stats on capital punishment nationwide. From 1930 until 1967, 3859 people were executed in the US, 3334 for murder (www. uaa). Thats an average of almost 105 people per year, three out of five of which were executed in the South. By 1967, all but ten states had laws for capital punishment. Nationally, strong pressure was steadily placed on the federal government by those opposed to capital punishment which resulted in an unofficial moratorium on executions until 1976. Officially, the Supreme Court ruled capital punishment unconstitutional in 1972. In Furman v. Georgia,408 U.S. 238 (1972), a 5-4 Supreme Court decision ruled that CP laws in their present form were arbitrary and capricious and constituted cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment as well as due process of the Fourteenth Amendment (www.aclu). In its decision, the Court voted that the death penal...

Monday, October 21, 2019

viral infections essays

viral infections essays VIRAL INFECTIONS: THE TRUE WHYS AND WHAT NOWS It all started with a little tickling in my throat. I forged ahead, knowing all too well what that feeling meant, I was getting sick. I convinced myself to just not think about it and it would just go away. This whole time there was an army of alien species amassing in my bloodstream and older cells. They are horrifyingly ugly, like something straight out of H. R. Geigers imagination. They writhe and twitch while they are on the hunt for one of your precious body cells. One can almost imagine them squealing to one another "Thats the one fellas, that is the cell we turn into Fort Viri!!". Then they attack, attaching their bodies to the cells only defense, its outer wall. The cunning viri know this dance all too well, the cell has no chance. All too quickly the viri convince the cell, via complex chemical codes to admit the viri into its life blood, the cytoplasm. Soon they would turn this doomed cell into a virus nursery, churning out countless clones of the virus that converted the original cell. I now must resign myself to the fact that I have somehow come into contact with a virus and it has started to multiply in my body. By now the symptoms are undeniable and all encompassing. I have the flu. Viral infections are caused by a host organism taking in and precipitating the reproduction of viruses. These infections bring with them a miriad of symtoms including, but not restricted to fever, general achiness, increased mucous production, and general sluggishness. This entire chain of events starts when a person comes into contact with a virus. This can happen a number of ways: contact with infected body fluids, contact with the mucous membranes of an infected person, and even inhalation of airborne viri. When one comes into contact with a virus, it wastes no time in making your body its new home. It quickly finds a bo ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Take the ACT 9 Important Reasons

Why Take the ACT 9 Important Reasons SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Standardized testingis not most people's idea of fun- quite the opposite actually. Why take the ACT, then?There are quite a few reasons, actually, and they range from the essentially necessary to the more elective. In this guide, we'll discuss what those reasons are, from college applications to job searching, as well as why the ACT may fit you better than the SAT. #1: Most Colleges Will Require Your Scores There are, indeed, some colleges that don't require scores- schools that are test-optional or even completely test-blind. That being said, most colleges want to see how you did on the SAT and/or ACT. Colleges will accept either one- you don't need to submit both unless you want to, and no college will dictate which you should send. Not taking the test, then, severely limits your options regarding the schools you can hope to attend. #2: There Are Score-Based Scholarships for the Winning Many colleges reward students with loads of tuition money, provided they can supply the appropriate test scores. Taking the ACT (and doing well on it) could actually lead to a full ride at some schools and generous scholarships at many other. Hopefully your scholarship money won't be meted out in single-dollar bills, either. #3: Some Jobs Require Your Test Scores This may seem odd, and it's certainly a newer trend. Still, some potential bosses want to see data from the SAT or ACT before they hire you. This doesn't just apply to test prep jobs, either; it applies to jobs in consulting and the financial sector, too. According to the Wall Street Journal, it's getting more common. How much better, then, to get it taken care of now, rather than scrambling to take the test when an employerasks for scores unexpectedly? (Answer: A lot better.) #4: The ACT Has a Science Section The SAT incorporates some scientific passages into the test, but there's no all-out science section. If science is your thing, then- if you're a total science whiz- use the ACT as an opportunity to shine! #5: The ACT Is Lighteron Algebra Than the SAT The ACT makes up for its relative lack of algebraic heft by shining the light on geometry and trigonometry more so than the SAT. This, then, is largely a matter of taste and your sense of preparedness. If you're not a fan of algebra, but you do really with geometry and trigonometry, opt for the ACT. #6: The ACT Permits Calculators Throughout the Math Test The SAT has a calculator portion and a no-calculator portion of the Math test. The no-calculator questions on the SAT are generally the kind a calculator wouldn't help much on anyway, but, still, if you really rely on having those buttons to push, the ACT is your test. This also applies if you simply dislike the kinds of calculations that you can do by hand. If you like crunching unwieldy numbers better than manipulating expressions by hand, go for the ACT! Make sure you're comfortable with that calculator, though! #7: The ACT Does Not Have Any Grid-Ins Student-produced response questions, or grid-ins, are the ones where you supply your own answer, as featured on the SAT. These questions don't exist on the ACT, meaning you always have answer choices handed to you to work with. #8: The Essay on the ACT Wants Your Opinion Well, technically, it doesn't care whose opinion you give, but you do need to argue a case by evaluating and analyzing complex issues of relevance to humanity and life as a whole. The SAT's essay, on the other hand, is all about reading comprehension and literary analysis. If you're a better debater than you are a literary detective, the ACT may be your test. #9: The ACT Is Required by Some States Any high schooler going to school in certain states will be required to take some form of the ACT, either with or without writing. There's not much choice to be had if you live in one of the states in question. Conclusion: Why Take the ACT? In this article, we've seen a number of reasons to take standardized tests, including keeping college options open, winning scholarships, and even appealing to potential employers. We've also looked at some reasons that the ACT may fit students better than the SAT, like the inclusion of a science section and the relative lack of emphasis on algebra. If you're going to take the ACT for any of these reasons, make sure you spend some time preparing. Your level of comfort will be much higher if you prepare ahead of time- and, most likely, your results will be better, too. What's Next? If you've decided that standardized testing is for you but aren't quite sold on the ACT, read a more dedicated discussion on which test might be right for you. Maybe youare sold on the ACT, though.Are you wondering what kind of score is going to get you where you want to go? Take a look at our guide to what qualifies as a good score- and why it's so subjective. You can also take a moment, if you're aiming for a perfect score, to read about how to get there. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Allocation Issues in Healthcare Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Allocation Issues in Healthcare - Dissertation Example Over a period of time, the focus has been on the nature and status of the material resources rather the nature and role of medical professionals. Allocation issues in healthcare can be defined as a shortage of medical and healthcare resources in the form of money, donated organs, trained staff, medical costs and medical tools. All these resources play an important role in treating patients along with revamping the image and operational framework of healthcare industries across the world (Butler, 1999). The shortage of healthcare resources occurs at a varying degree in different parts of the world. Some of the these shortages can be taken care of by increasing the number of resources through effective strategies and planning while some of the resources need proper balancing and equitable distribution. The major responsibility of the healthcare professionals is to make health care a superfluous process and activity by offering desired medical and healthcare support to people needing th e most. ... When resources are considered as social goods, allocation may or may not proceed on the basis of the competition by producing the greater amount of goods for large number of people in the social environment. On the other hand, when resources are assumed as commodities, economic considerations play an important role in deciding the allocation of resources. At the micro level, the issue can be addressed by the ability to pay for the resources while at the macro level, the issue is addressed by analysing the economic structure, healthcare policies and survival of the social and economic structure that is engaged in the production and distribution of resources. Healthcare resources when understood in terms of materials and human terms are always limited. It needs to be understood that healthcare resources are delivers by public and private organsiations and these organsiations often face problems pertaining to the availability of healthcare professionals. In healthcare industries, not ev eryone can become a professional and thus the supply of human resources is always going to be limited. Moreover, approach and attitude of human resources also matter in terms of dealing with allocation issues in healthcare. The research will try to investigate the allocation issue in healthcare by analysing and underpinning the QALY system based on utilitarianism, distributive justice and role of British Laws pertaining to the healthcare allocation issues. All these elements have been discussed in three chapters stating the overall advantages and disadvantages of the current healthcare practices and systems in the United Kingdom. The researcher has also tried to identify the best possible method to deal with health care allocation issues in a critical and

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Real World of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3

The Real World of Management - Essay Example the direction of using specific analytical and evaluative methodological tools which can help to identify, promote and evaluate the quality of learning procedures inside organizations. (Easterby-Smith and Araujo 1999). The coming out of the idea of the ‘learning organization’ is covered with that possibly by defining contribution provides a theoretical framework connecting the know-how of living in a circumstance where there is increased change with the consequent need for learning. Loss of the stable state means that our society and all of its institutions are always encountering transformation. We cannot look forward to new constant states that will last for our own lifetimes. We must therefore learn to appreciate, direct, manipulate and manage these changes. We not only have to be in a position to be capable to change our institutions, in relation to the emerging changing situations in the collaborating organization; but must also be in a position to invent and develop institutions which are capable of bringing about their own continuing transformation. (Schon 1973) Efficiency and healthy competition are, by far and wide a function of knowledge generation and processing information about the market, firms and territories are prearranged in networks of production, management and distribution, the core economic activities are global that is, they are capable to work as a unit in real time, or given time, on a environmental scale. (Castells 2001) The Learning Company is a vision of what might be possible. It is not arrived at by simply training individuals; this only happens as a result of learning at the whole organization structure. A Learning organization facilitates the training of all its members and continuously transforming itself. (Pedler et. al. 1991) The international disintegration of production in global value chains, driven by technological progress, cost, access to resources and markets, and trade policy reforms, challenges the way we look

Research the food truck business Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The food truck business - Research Paper Example Depending on the size of a truck, an average number of six employees is necessary for carrying out the routine activities for a food truck business (Laban, 2013). The employees should include the truck driver, two chefs, two servers and the cashier. The first daily activity is to purchase necessary requirements for making the food that it will serve its customers. It is crucial for the truck business to stick to one supplier. The two chefs prepare the food and serve to maintain sanitation within the truck by washing the utensils and other equipment. The two servers respond to the customer’s request by serving the food to them. The cashier receives and records the money from the client. Operating a food truck business require full compliance with the established law governing the operation of such business. An individual needs to acquire a business license from relevant authorities to operate a food truck business (Rodrigo, 2014). Location license is also a requirement. In addition, the business must obtain a health permit and an operation manual to run the business. Laban, C. (2013, May 9). Operators talk about food-truck business. McClatchy - Tribune Business News. Washington, United States. Retrieved from Rodrigo, J. (2014, September 20). Business owner branches out to include food truck. McClatchy - Tribune Business News. Washington, United States. Retrieved from

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Linux distributions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Linux distributions - Essay Example This not only takes enormous amount of expenditure as well as valuable human resources. Therefore, most companies opt for outsourcing and take benefit of readymade software packages. Linux based open source software packages as well as proprietary software are available to choose to suit the requirement. Each of them has their own merits and demerits, which should be analytically weighed before making a decision. Free software are either free of cost or their source codes are available in public domain. As far as an enterprise is concerned it has to train their employees as well as to get constant support from the software vendor. A good IT infrastructure always ensures high return over investments made in it. So the large companies do not care much about the cost involved rather consider its flexibility, reliability and a reliable support system. In this project we will be discussing about desktop and server edition of three LINUX based implementations, Red Hat, Ubuntu & Novell and the standard Windows based systems. Conclusively, we will attempt to recommend a certain package on the basis of the outcome of such discussion. While purchasing software for an enterprise operation, the preliminary aim is to assist its employees to automate and enhance the operations of the organisation with least chance for errors. In order to achieve the said goal, imparting adequate training to its employees or to hire trained professionals to apply the system for the optimum benefit of the organisation becomes inevitable. With a view to select appropriate software to suit the requirements, Red Hat, Ubuntu and Novell’s SUSE based OS are being taken into consideration. Indeed the training motivates the employees as well as raises their confidence in using the software to meet the requirements. RedHat: In terms of trained professionals and certified training program, Red hat tops other Linux distributions. RedHat training centers are spread across the globe and

Comparison history paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparison history paper - Essay Example This was the indication of the unique forms of continuity in space. It makes part of the sculptures that Boccioni made during the 1913 era of art. It is a form of the moving beings without bipedal structures like the arms (Boccioni, paragraph 4). The continuity here is represented in that the sculpture was in a movement position where all the indicators in it showed the walking athlete while the figure lacked the arms. This showed determination in walking into the future. The sculpture was an indication of a futuristic muscular ma with a lot of determination to pursue into the dreams of the future world. The movements as depicted in the sculpture are very swift and enthusiastic to meet the future. The face of the sculpture was made in a symbol of a cross which was an indication that there was a foreseen futurist warlord in the times to come. The futuristic representation by the artifacts was a mode of revealing to the world and the Italian culture the possibilities of the wars in future cultural settings. The wing-like arms seem to be in the position of the arms on the figure which was an indication of the unfinished part of the sculpture as it is revealed that Boccioni was not intending to reveal anything of educational value to the societies of the world. It is shown that the two figures that he made in the futuristic unique forms of continuity, in space, together or rather combined with their immediate environments. This can only show that the immediate environments are depicted in the figure, and this was an archeological evidence of the surrounding environments where the figure was sculpted (Boccioni, paragraph 5). The configuration of the figure indicates some swift sharp corners in the panels in its knees, thighs, and chest and head carving, which were the parameters to involve the air movement past the standing statues. It is clear that the air or

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Linux distributions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Linux distributions - Essay Example This not only takes enormous amount of expenditure as well as valuable human resources. Therefore, most companies opt for outsourcing and take benefit of readymade software packages. Linux based open source software packages as well as proprietary software are available to choose to suit the requirement. Each of them has their own merits and demerits, which should be analytically weighed before making a decision. Free software are either free of cost or their source codes are available in public domain. As far as an enterprise is concerned it has to train their employees as well as to get constant support from the software vendor. A good IT infrastructure always ensures high return over investments made in it. So the large companies do not care much about the cost involved rather consider its flexibility, reliability and a reliable support system. In this project we will be discussing about desktop and server edition of three LINUX based implementations, Red Hat, Ubuntu & Novell and the standard Windows based systems. Conclusively, we will attempt to recommend a certain package on the basis of the outcome of such discussion. While purchasing software for an enterprise operation, the preliminary aim is to assist its employees to automate and enhance the operations of the organisation with least chance for errors. In order to achieve the said goal, imparting adequate training to its employees or to hire trained professionals to apply the system for the optimum benefit of the organisation becomes inevitable. With a view to select appropriate software to suit the requirements, Red Hat, Ubuntu and Novell’s SUSE based OS are being taken into consideration. Indeed the training motivates the employees as well as raises their confidence in using the software to meet the requirements. RedHat: In terms of trained professionals and certified training program, Red hat tops other Linux distributions. RedHat training centers are spread across the globe and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The evolution of semiautomatic rifles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The evolution of semiautomatic rifles - Essay Example After 1885, smokeless powder and a cupro-nickel jacketed bullet ushered the SR into a new era. Maxim received a patent in 1891 for a short-stroke gas piston, where the gas is taken off through a barrel port close to the chamber, which drives a short piston that operates the action. John Browning, in 1889, entered the SR field, producing a lever rifle that featured a concave muzzle cap that was hook up below the barrel, connecting with the triggerguard rifle lever. Griffiths and Woodgate were two Englishmen who introduced a SR that had simplicity as its value. In 1898, Mauser introduced a SR that incorporate a locking principle which was modified to form the Deglyarev LMG lock principle and the lock of the gas operated rifles with which Germany ended the war. Major Amerigo Cei-Rigotti introduced a gas system in 1900, which was a modification of the Italian 1891 rifle design, but had the action further forward to protect the shooter. The Cei-Rigotti, in firing tests in 1900, delivered 300 rounds in a minute of full automatic fire, after which the barrel was too hot to use. This was a mechanism that was used by the Russians in 1936 and 1940 and by Germany in 1943, with their mechanism being mounted on to of barrels, instead of below. The main person who was driving the development of the SR was Mannlicher. In 1891, Mannlicher developed two SRs, which operated on the short recoil principle. His second experimentation was a rifle that featured a small hook bored in the barrels bottom and a gas-operated arm. Mannlicher came back in 1893 with two SRs with a revolving bolt locked rifle. The first was a modification of his standard turning bolt magazine rifle; the second was the Mannlicher Model 90 straight-pull design. In 1894, Mannlicher introduced two â€Å"blow forward† designs with hesitation locking cams. The first required cocking after every shot. The second featured a standing

African American Religion Essay Example for Free

African American Religion Essay Before Africans were brought to America during the slave trade, they had their own culture and society. They had their own language and dance. They also had their own religion. History tells us that the Europeans justified their abuse toward the Africans as helping them become more civilized because the Africans lifestyle appeared primal to them and not as developed and industrialized as theirs. What is often overlooked is that even though Africans were taken from Africa and Americanized and have been stripped of their religion, culture, language and even their name, the very essence of the African as a people did not go away. Some African American slaves rejected Christianity’s religion because they saw it as the â€Å"white man’s religion†. History tells us American Slave Masters abused the Africans by whipping them like animals and by treating them inhumane. The fact that these slave masters wanted the African American to worship their god was unacceptable for some because they could not fathom why they should worship a god who allowed people to be so badly treated. Some Africans accepted Christianity’s religion and faith by identifying with Jesus Christ, the son of God who according to the Bible was innocent of sin and yet he was beaten, bruised and crucified for the sins of the world. Some African Americans wanted to remain faithful to their heritage yet did not agree with the conjure practices. Seth Holly’s character is a good example of conforming to the economic prosperity of America which was founded by Christians. White Christians enforced Christian beliefs, values, and some practices based on the Euro American Christian interpretation of Christian text. Seth developed a kind of hatred for his own people proving that he has adopted the practices of white America in the early 1900s. â€Å"Niggers coming up here from that old backwoods†¦ coming up here from the country carrying Bibles and guitars looking for freedom. † Seth says. â€Å"They got a rude awakening† (6). Seth signifies the African American who resents assimilation to the white American culture. But, at the same time, he too attempts to connect with his heritage by simply allowing Bynum to live in his home and bless it with his conjures rituals. Seth also participates in an African dance ritual called the Juba. Bynum’s character is introduced by practicing conjure rituals. He cuts open pigeons and spreads its blood onto him as a type of cleansing to communicate with spirits. Bynum represents the African American who chose to remain faithful to the religion of his heritage. Others who have chosen the faith of Christianity view conjure rituals as evil, witchcraft, or demonic. Some African Americans wanted to remain faithful to their heritage yet did not agree with conjure practices anymore. Loomis walks in on the juba dance and goes into a trance after dinner at the boarding house. He had a vision of skeletons emerge from a body of water. â€Å"Loomis: I done seen bones rise up out the water. Rise up and walk across the water. Bones walking on top of the water† (53). Loomis recognizes through the vision, his state of ignorance to the knowledge that will lead him to the new way of thinking. Bynum serves as a supporting character reacting to Loomis’s trance. â€Å"Bynum: They walking around here now. Mens. Just like you and me. Come right up out the water† (56). Loomis’s trance and Bynum’s interpretation of it is a turning point in the story. The skeletons coming from the bottom of the sea in Loomis’s vision represent the slave ships, the disorientation experienced by the slaves during emancipation, and the confusion of his release from Joe Turner. Both Loomis and Bynum have tapped into their ancestral religion. The difference between the two is that Bynum represents the African who never renounced his religion and Loomis is the African-American who turned from conjure religion and converted to the faith of Christianity. After Joe turner took his life away from him, Loomis questioned his Christian faith and his identity. By walking in on the ancestral ritual of the Juba dance, Loomis literally walked into what he had actually been looking for, his religion, consequently, his ancestral identity and this is why he fell into the trance. Throughout the play conjures is encompasses four generations; Bynum’s father, Bynum, Loomis, and the neighbor boy Reuben. Reuben’s vision is of Seth’s mother by the pigeon coop, she encourages Reuben to release the caged pigeons. Wilson writes in a way that leads the reader to believe that Loomis needs to find his missing wife. Martha Pentecost is not the one who was lost; Loomis was the one who was lost, wondering around from town to town, searching. Loomis came into the state of belief when Bynum helped him translate his vision. That vision represented Loomis going back to his ancestral conjure religion. Loomis needed to find Martha Pentecost simply to say good-bye to her and their life former together. Up until this point of the story, I believed that Loomis needed to find his wife so they could live out the rest of their lives as a happy free family with their daughter. However, it is made pretty obvious this was never Loomis’s intentions. â€Å"That goodbye kept me out on the road searching,† Loomis says, â€Å"now that I see your face I can say my goodbye and make my own world† (90). Martha Pentecost, a woman of Christian faith, represents the African who assimilated into white America’s culture and Loomis needed to find her to say good-bye to her and the Christian faith. Martha stands by her Christian faith by accusing Loomis â€Å"you done gone over to the devil† (91). White man’s religion believed that conjure was evil or the way of the devil. Loomis finds it easier to reject her for her Christian beliefs. â€Å"Loomis: Great big old white man†¦your Mr. Jesus Christ. Standing there with a whip in one hand and a tote board in another, them niggers swimming in a sea of cotton† (92). Loomis proves with his statement, his version of a bible story that differed from other African Americans but was similar to that of the white man who believed that they were on a level below God and the African’s were beneath them, African’s were one third of a person. Loomis now believes that if African’s are going to be free then they have to take charge of their own destiny. Martha Pentecost represents the African American’s religion, she identifies that Loomis needs to â€Å"be washed in the blood of the lamb† (92) and â€Å"you done gone over to the devil. (91) Through class lessons I learned that African American slaves compared themselves with stories in the bible to instill hope of a life free from oppression, violence, and bondage. Jesus according to the bible was innocent of sin and yet he was beaten, bruised and crucified for the sins of the world. The hope of reigning in heave with Jesus is considered the ultimate reward for suffering life’s trials and tribulations. It is the faith of the African Americans who accepted Christianity religion. Blacks trusted in the Lord instead of man. America was Egypt in the exodus story and as long as the enslaving and oppressing took place America would face the same wrath as Egypt. â€Å"Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. † The bible was depended on in justifying and motivation rebellion for the blacks and used as a tool to keep blacks enslaved by the whites. African Americans used sermons, song, and prayer to convey and teach their message of travail and triumph of Israel. Some African Americans could not get past the treatment from the white people that called themselves Christians and as a result they rejected Christianity. Selig’s role suggests that the link between characters is the acquisition of material goods. Selig admits that his ancestors have always made their living pursuing African Americas; his great grandfather transported slaves from Africa, his father captured runaway slaves and returned them to their masters for a reward, and Selig locates displaced people for a fee. Selig attains his ecstasy through consumer capitalism, through the selling of material goods. African Americans are objects for exploitation and exchange in the new economy. He binds African Americans to the economic system, demanding payment of his services and products which necessitates subsistence labor by taking them from one construction site or work site to another, similar to a temporary employment agency today. You pay for an employee to work for some time, but Selig is getting paid by the person looking for work or a ride to a chance of freedom. Selig cannot find a person that has not purchased a dustpan from him because he keeps the names of his customers. Seth is determined to achieve material success, he has very little patience for African Americans migrating north looking for the same prosperity that he desires. Seth is very demanding of his patrons, insisting on advance payment in full, and is preoccupied with maintaining a respectable house. â€Å"It’s hard enough now without all that ignorant kind of acting. Ever since slavery got over with there ain’t been nothing but foolish-acting niggers. Word get out they need men to work in the mill and put in these roads†¦ and niggers drop everything and head north looking for freedom. (5, 6) Seth wants to blend in with the white man’s world; therefore he keeps a link with Selig by negotiating the manufacturing and sale of dustpans. Seth does not have any idea of what it would be like to be a slave, as he was born free in the North and was educated. He demonstrates his education with his math calculation when dealing with the boarding house patrons and the quick notation of him letting Selig know that he is trying to overcharge him for the dust pan materials. Educational differences played a role in tension with Southern blacks, most of who were forbidden from learning to read, saw religion as a matter of oral tradition nd immediate experience and emotion. Northerner blacks, stressed that one could not truly be Christian unless they was able to read the Bible and understand it. This play denies individual worth and identity for some of Wilson’s characters. To be defrauded of the products of one’s labor or to see that creation diminished, like with Jeremy and the guitar contest, is to be denied a reflection of individual worth and identity. If people have been separated from this truth of individual worth and identity through oppression their capacity to bond with one another, form friendships, or couples, families are undermined. Social alienation in Wilson’s characters are expressed in their stores of broken relationships, uncertainty, or suspicion that they feel toward one another. â€Å"Seth: Something ain’t setting right with that fellow, Bynum. He’s one of them mean-looking niggers look like he done killed somebody gambling over a quarter. †(20) Connection between oppression, alienation from self and inability to form bonds with others is displayed in the character of Loomis. Joe Turner’s ability to oppress Loomis carried a judgment of non-worth. â€Å"Loomis: He told me I was worthless. Worthless is something you throw away. Something you don’t bother with† (73) Turners judgment of worthlessness forced Loomis to accept the reality of the white man’s power; he was marked as â€Å"one of Joe Turners niggers and forced to forget his song. †(71) Being alienated from himself and displaced with his relation to the world, Loomis is unable to establish bonds with people around him. The oppression encountered by Wilson’s characters is material or economic, that oppression is spiritual as well in the capacity to deprive the individual of a sense of himself or his unique song. The reawakening of Loomis after his encounter with cultural wisdom is not the self discovery of an average African American but creation of a new source of cultural wisdom, a new African holy man. Wilson uses many metaphors throughout the play. The song is a metaphor for Loomis’s identity and the African American cultural identity. Music is a large part of African American identity, so it makes since that in search of one’s identity they are searching for their song. The boarding house serves as an inn for traveling folk, but the tenants actually receive a form of healing during their stay. Tenants get direction and guidance from Bertha and Bynum. The shiny man that Bynum is in search for signifies African American independence. The man that Bynum met on the road was an independent African American, just as Loomis was freed by his past when he cleansed himself in his own blood. â€Å"Bynum: Herald Loomis, you shining! You shining like new money! †(94) Loomis has dismissed that the blood of Christ can wash away his sins and make him the man he used to be, but by washing himself in his own blood he has sacrificed the old life to begin his new journey on his terms. Bynum’s shining man has been found, meaning his work is complete; he has passed his powers on to the next generation, Loomis. â€Å"They tell me Joe Turner’s come and Gone† is a song that is sung by Bynum, when I first read the story I thought that the meaning was came and now he is dead however, the second time I read the play I realized that it meant that Joe Turner has come and snatched the men and now he is now gone. August Wilson uses symbolism in the play as a very important part in conveying the meaning of the story. Wilsons use of symbolism is demonstrated through Mr.  Wilsons use of the road, Martha Pentecost, and Herald Loomis. Symbolic importance is give to the word freedom. The word freedom has instilled hope into the lives of African Americans: during slavery, hope for the release from bondage; after emancipation, the right to be educated, employed, and to move about freely; twentieth century, social, political, and economic justice. Freedom has always stood for the absence of any restraint, because God made all men from his image. There are a number of characters that travel around searching for their place in the world. Mattie, mentions that she keeps on looking, seems like she just keeps starting over, I ain’t never found no place for me to fit. † (76) Reuben tells Zonia, when he finds out that she is leaving the boarding house in search of her mom, â€Å"when I get grown, I come looking for you. †(84) Jeremy does not seem to care much when he loses his job because, â€Å"don’t make me no difference. There’s a big road out there, I can always get my guitar and find me a place to stay. I ain’t planning on staying in one place for too long noway. (64) Martha Reverend Tolliver moved the Church up north because of the trouble the church was having. When the Civil War finally brought freedom to previously enslaved African Americans, the task of organizing religious communities was only one element of the larger need to create new lives, to reunite families, to find jobs, and to figure out what it would mean to live in the United States as citizens rather than property. August Wilson’s play, Joe Turner’s come and Gone, examines African Americans search for their cultural identity following slavery.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Guilt, Shame and Community

Guilt, Shame and Community A shame community is described as a society whose main tool for ruling over is gaining having power over children and continued control over adults in the perpetration of shame and corresponding threat of social rejection. A guilt society is described as a society that is maintained by creating control and consistently strengthening the sense of guilt and the anticipation of reprimanding now for predestined behaviors. Raimond Gaita carefully explains that there is moral challenge in the Australian society in the contemporary society. He arguably disagrees that by keenly depriving the indigenous inhabitants their land the Australian government the most important part of their humanity thereby denying them a chance to enjoy their lives to fullest. In report of bringing them home and Mabo are associated to legal and historical symbols that bring back to what was not given to inhabitants of Torres Strait and Aborigal Islands by taking away the land that formed part of their humanity. Professor Raimond also explains that refuting peoples their humanity is terrible and that it calls a change of attitude and language for the society to remain intact. The drawing on Simone Weil Love sees what is invisible, the professoer recognizes that some ideasÂÂ   can only be understood by the heart. Raimond, sees the Australian High court instituting ruling using wild language and describes the judgment as shameful to those who pay attention with their hearts. There is racial discrimination in the Australian society which is depicted by the phrase, Terra nullius, which is used to imply that Aboriginal people are not full human as the invaders. The latest decisions of Australian High court have been done to bring an end to past injustices and the court had affirmed the full and the same humanity of native people. According to Raimond, those people who were involved in refuting indigenous people their humanity felt guilty, and there was shame to all the members of the Australian society. Raimond belives that just as society should be conceited about national achievements in which people have not been directly involved, the society should also express shame for what wronging its inhabitants and develop a method of amendment to manage the nation shame. Raimond views that if there is no shaming and its consequences, then justice cannot be possible. According to Raimond, true shame societies are reliant on outside sanctions for good behavior not as true guilt societies on an internalized fervor of transgressions. Shame is depicted as an effect to other peoples condemnation. Raimond claims that a society is openly scorned and rejected by fantasying to it that make it ludicrous. According to Raimond, when shame is viewed as a heteronymous forced or involved with issues that are deemed morally irrelevant or insignificant it becomes as a subject of psychological evaluation. Raimond views familiarity of guilt to be socially induced or associated to be ethically irrelevant. Raimond believes that torture, should not be applied to human race during interrogation. But he further adds that in circumstance s where there is a potential threat of terrorism then use of torture should be advocated. Raimond believes the fact that many Australians do not understand what has been substantiated in the report of bringing them home requires to be put in a wider social context. The Australian communitys comment that they never cared enough about Aborigines humanity demonstrates the scope of racial discrimination inAustralia.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

International Business Essay -- International Business Management

International Business Question No 1: Describe the four basic levels of international business activity.Do you think any organization will achieve the fourth level?Why or why not. Question No 2: For each of the four globalization strategies, describe the risks associated with that strategy and the potential returns from that strategy. __________________________________ Answer for question No 1: The four general levels of international buisness activity are: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Domestic business 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  International business 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Multinational business 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Global business. Domestic Business: Is the one that acquires all of its resources and sells all of its products ot services within a single country.(8/143) Interational business: Is the one that is based primarily in a single country but acquires some meaningful share of its resources or revenues (ot both) from othe countries. (8/143) Multinational business: The one that has a worldwide marketplace from which it buys raw mateials, borrows money, and manufactures its products and to which it subsequently sells its prducts.(8/143) Global business: Is the business that transcends national boundaries and is not committed to a single home country.(8/143) In my opinion there is no opportunity for a business to achieve this level of Iinternationalization.The reason is that all business in all over the world are controled by the government which are committed.There is no way for a business ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal Essay -- Jonathan Swift Modest Prop

Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal Swift was said to â€Å"declare at one stage in his life: ‘I am not of this vile country (Ireland), I am an Englishman’† (Hertford website). In his satire â€Å"A Modest Proposal,† he illustrates his dislike not only for the Irish, but for the English, organized religions, rich, greedy landlords, and people of power. It is obvious that Swift dislikes these people, but the reader must explore from where his loathing for the groups of people stems. I believe Swift not only wanted to attack these various types of people to defend the defenseless poor beggars, but he also had personal motives for his writings that stemmed from unconscious feelings, located in what Sigmund Freud would call the id, that Swift developed in his earlier years of life. Swift’s biography can help the reader to gain insight into Swift’s irrational proposal as a result of his resentment of the various groups of people he condemns in â€Å"A Modest Proposal†. Swift was born in Dublin, Ireland and had a good childhood in which he was well educated, but when he was about three years old his mother left him in the care of his uncle. At this age Freud would have asserted that Swift was going through the Oedipus complex, where he would have had an erotic attachment to his mother. Swift’s mother leaving him at this time might have been detrimental to Swift, rendering him unable to complete the transition into manhood, as Freud believes all boys do, by eventually identifying with their father. In a sense, Swift’s mother sold him in order to benefit herself. Being left by a young boy’s mother, whom he was strongly attached might have been damaging. Swift’s uncle sent him to very good schools in Ireland and Swift graduated fr... some actual proposals that would work to ease the pain for the poor. Swift writes that the rich could quit being so proud and selfish and have â€Å"at least one degree of mercy towards their tenants† (Swift). Swift feels despair and rejection from every caregiver or leader in his own life, just as the poor are rejected by society so they resort to begging. He feels that something drastic will have to happen in order for things to change, otherwise the misery of being devoured by society will be upon the poor â€Å"breed for ever,† as well as himself (Swift). Perhaps it was too late for this drastic change in Swift’s life. Perhaps his unresolved childhood complexes are too distant that they would have never been resolved. Works Cited Hertford College. â€Å"Swift Biography†. Oxford, 2004 Swift, Jonathan. â€Å"A Modest Proposal.† 1729

Jean Piagets Theory

Throughout history, many people have made many contributions to the school of psychology. One individual is that of Jean Piaget and his theories on the cognitive development stages. Jean Piaget was born in Neuchatel, Switzerland, where he studied at the university and received a doctorate in biology at the age of 22. Following college he became very interested in psychology and began to research and studies of the subject. With his research Piaget created a broad theoretical system for the development of cognitive abilities.His work, in this way, was much like that of Sigmund Freud, but Piaget emphasized the ways that children think and acquire knowledge. Piaget referred to his theory as genetic epistemology. This is defined as the study of the acquisition, modification, and growth of abstract ideas and the abilities as on the basis of an inherited or biological substrate, an intelligent functioning that makes the growth of abstract thought possible. (Ginsburg 5) Piaget derived his t heories from directly observing children and by questioning them about their thinking.He was less interested in whether the children answered correctly than how they arrived at their answers. Piaget viewed intelligence as an extension of biological adaptation that has a logical structure. One of the central points of his theories was that of epigenesis. This is that growth and development occur in a series of stages, each of which is built on the successful mastery of the previous stage. (Furth 33) Piaget described four major stages leading to the capacity for adult thought.Each stage is a prerequisite for the following stage, but the rate at which different children move through different stages varies with their heredity and environment. Piaget's four stages are the sensorimotor stage, the stage of preoperational thought, the stage of concrete operations and the stage of formal operations. The first stage that Piaget felt all children go through was the sensorimotor stage. This st age occurs between birth and two years of age.This is the stage when Infants begin to learn through sensory observation, and they gain control of their motor functions through activity, exploration and manipulation of the environment. (Furth 29) From birth, biology and experience work together to produce learned behavior. As infants become more mobile, one action is built upon another action, forming new and more complex actions. Infants' spatial, visual, and tactile worlds expand during this period in which children actively interact with their environment and use previously learned behaviors.The critical achievement of this period is the development of object permanence. This is the indication that a child has the ability to understand that objects have an existence independent of the child's involvement with them. Infants learn to differentiate themselves from the world and are able to maintain a mental image of an object, even when it is not present and visible. (Rotman 40) At a bout 18 months, infants begin to develop mental symbols and to use words. This process is called symbolization. Infants are able to create a visual or mental image of an object to stand for or signify the real object.The attainment of object permanence marks the transition from the sensorimotor stage to the preoperational stage. During the stage of peoperational thought, children use language and symbols more extensively than in the sensorimotor stage. Children learn without the use of reasoning, therefore are unable to think logically or deductively. Children are able to name the object but they are unable to categorize or class these objects. Preopreational thought is midway between socialized adult thought and the completely autistic freudian unconscious. (Furth 57) Events are also not linked by logic.In this stage, children begin to use language and drawings in more elaborate ways. From once using one word utterances they begin to use two word phrases, which make up a single nou n and verb. Children in this developmental stage are ecogentric. They see themselves as the center of the universe, therefore they are unable to take the role of another person. In addition , children use animistic thinking which is the tendency to endow events and objects with lifelike attributes. The stage of concrete operations is so named because in this period children operate and act on the concrete, real, and perceivable world of objects and events.Egocentric thought is replaced by operational thought, which involves dealing with a wide array of information outside the child. Therefore, children can now see things from someone else's perspective. Children in this stage begin to use limited logical thought and processes and are able to order and group things in classes on the basis of common characteristics. The child is able to reason and to follow rules and regulations. They are able to regulate themselves , and they begin to develop a moral sense and a code of values.Conser vation is the ability to recognize that, although the shape of objects may change, the mass and amount stay the same. For example, if you put the same amount of liquid in two containers the child may think there is more in the taller cylinder. Children also begin to understand reversibility, which is the capacity to understand the relationship between things. They begin to realize that one thing can turn into another and back again. The most important sign that children are still in the preoperational stage is that they have not achieved conservation or reversibility.Dealing with the future and its possibilities occurs in the formal operational stage. The formal operation stage deals with the ages of eleven through the end of adolescence. This stage is characterized by the ability to think abstractly, to reason deductively, and to define concepts. It also is shown by adolescents' interest in a variety of issues including philosophy, religion, ethics, and politics. Another main part of this stage is that of Hypothetic deductive thinking. This is the highest organization of cognition and enables people to make a hypothesis or proposition and to test it against reality.Deductive reasoning moves from the general to the particular and is a more complicated process than inductive reasoning, which moves from particular to general. (Rotman 44) This step also brings about self-conscious behavior because of the ability to reflect on their own and other people's thoughts. As adolescents attempt to master new cognitive tasks, they may return to egocentric thought, but on a higher level than in the past. Not all adolescents enter the stage at the same time or to the same degree. Depending on individual capacity some may not reach the stage at all and may remain in concrete operational mode throughout life.Despite the psychiatric applications Piaget's theories have been applied more widely in the area of education. Piaget's concepts have been used to resolve educational pro blems, such as assessing intellectual development, scholastic aptitude, grade placement, and reading readiness. Innovative early school programs, such as Head Start can be traced to Piaget's believe that experience plays a major role in human thought. Throughout his writings Piaget emphasized that the greater richness, complexity, and the diversity of the environment, the greater the likelihood that high levels of mental functioning are achieved.